Graduation Bouquet Blue

Graduation Bouquet Blue

Product Details

Celebrate their wonderful achievement with this gorgeous Graduation Bouquet featuring white and blue tones with our stunning liberty blue wrap.

Large chrysanthemums are perfect for graduation as they symbolise friendship, happiness and well-being - the pefect way to say 'I'm so proud of you'. This bouquet also includes snapdragons, roses and snapdragons.

These vibrant, fresh flowers will make graduation photos pop!  

We deliver to every high school and university campus in Sydney. We also offer an Emergency 2 Hour delivery service for last minute flowers.

Choose Amazing for a bounteous bouquet double the size!

If you have any special requests for your bouquet please call us on 02 9745 1668.

(We always aim to match the photo above. Every now and then we have to make slight adjustments due to seasonal availability. Thank you for understanding!)

*All Prices are in Australian Dollars

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