50 Red Rose Bouquet

50 Red Rose Bouquet
50 Red Rose Bouquet 2
50 Red Rose Bouquet 3
50 Red Rose Bouquet 4

Product Details

When you need to make an unforgettable statement, go gloriously over-the-top with our most spectacular offering - fifty magnificent red roses that turn heads and drop jaws! 

This isn't just a bouquet; it's a show-stopping declaration of love that says "go big or go home" in the most elegant way possible!

Each luxurious bloom is carefully selected and arranged by our florists to create a stunning domed display that's nothing short of breathtaking. We've paired these premium roses with soft touches of foliage, all elegantly wrapped in our signature layered paper with a bold red ribbon finale.

What makes this bouquet extra special? Its perfect front-facing design ensures it creates maximum impact the moment it arrives. Trust us - we've seen people speechless, tears of joy, and even a few spontaneous marriage proposals when this beauty makes its entrance!

Delivery: Same-day delivery available to all Sydney Suburbs for only $14.95. Emergency 2 Hour Delivery Available too!

Want to switch up the color? Give us a call at 02 9745 1668 - we've got a rainbow of options to choose from!

Pro tip: Need to make a grand gesture? This is your bouquet. Perfect for proposals, milestone anniversaries, or any moment you want to be remembered forever. (And yes, self-gifting is absolutely allowed - sometimes you need to be your own secret admirer!)

Order now and prepare to make someone's year!

*All Prices are in Australian Dollars

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