Baby Peace Lily

Baby Peace Lily

Product Details

The much-loved Peace Lily - so pretty and so forgiving when neglected! These baby peace lilies are potted in designer bower pot by Evergreen Collective valued at $64.

Light Levels: Peace lilies prefer bright filtered natural light. However, the peace lily is tolerant of low light levels making it an excellent houseplant. It can be used outdoors in warm humid areas with filtered light or partial shade. Exposure to direct light may cause yellowing leaves with a burnt appearance. 
Watering: Overwatering is a common problem with Peace lilies. They prefer if soil is kept moist, but not wet.
Air purifying: The Peace lily is well recognised for as one of the best natural indoor air-purifiers, particularly in stripping nasty volatile organic chemicals from the air. 

*All Prices are in Australian Dollars

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